Sunday, August 22, 2010

SEO Friendly Web Design

Surrounded by the a new edge in technology that you can put in your website like flash movies, great images, streaming audio sometimes we are not ware that these kind of elements may hurt the purpose of your business prospects. Of course they are look attractive but on the other side, they can put negative effect to your search engine result page factors.

Just like what professional web designer and SEO firm advised, you need to develop a website that can be for your two viewers, your client and the search engine. It is better to keep away such elements that will give negative factors to your site when it comes to SEO than to have a better design. Just for a clearer view, you can have also a good design for the best SEO-ed website if you have only the knowledge on how you can implement this for both.

Search engine played most by Google, Bing, and Yahoo use web spiders to go through website to collect information about website. This information helps in assessing the relevance of a website for a particular keywords thus you need to know how to manage well your web design just to improve the keyword impression with the search engine.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    You have an extremely nice blog. developing a website that is internet search engine friendly is extremely important to rank well in search engine. For that one really should employ a firm that may be experienced both in web designing and search engine optimization. One this kind of firm is


    Mike - creation site internet

